Our 3-5 year old class runs Monday through Thursday, from 9 to 2 PM
There are 3 options for enrollment:
4 days per week (M-Th) --$670/month
2 days per week (M, W) --$370/month
2 days per week (T, Th) --$370/month
Our educational goals in our 3-5 year old class is to create an environment of wonder and awareness. This includes self awareness, awareness of others and a sense of wonder about the environment around us. Our interest-led flow of learning style encourages natural curiosity, collaboration, and good ole fashioned grit.
During the school day, we will be doing a variety of activities, such as:
Exploration of plants and wildlife
Mindfulness practices (including sit spots, meditation and breathing methods)
Wild crafting (basket weaving, making natural chords and nature weaving)
Emotional skills (becoming aware of and expressing feelings and needs)
Natural art projects (using home made dyes and paints)